
Electrocochleography I: Introduction


Course Preview

Course Description

Introduction to the theories and principles of Electrocochleography (ECochG). A review of salient anatomy and physiology is provided that includes a description of the cochlear and auditory nerve potentials recorded via ECochG.

Learning Objectives:

  • Become familiar with the auditory-evoked potential technique known as Electrocochleography (ECochG)
  • Understand the anatomical and physiological bases of ECochG
  • Become familiar with the various inner ear/auditory nerve potentials that are recorded via ECochG

Course Details

Presenter: John Ferraro, Ph.D.

Degrees and Post-Doctoral Experience:
-- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Auditory Physiology Laboratory, Northwestern University, 1972-1974 (under the direction of Peter Dallos)-- Ph.D. - Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Denver, 1972 (Audiology minor)-- M.S. - Biology, U. Denver, 1970-- B.S. - Biology, Southern Colorado St. College, 1968 (Chemistry, Psychology minors) [more details]

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