
Rotary Chair Part II: Interpretation


Course Preview

Course Description

In this course, we shall review the abnormal findings in the SHA test and the different ways to inform the results both with physiopathological implications as well as to screen for unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy.

Learning Objectives:

  • To know how to interpret the rotator chair test
  • To understand when to ask for a rotator chair test
  • To understand the meaning of the visual-vestibular interaction in the assessment of dizzy patients

Course Details

Presenter: Nicolás Pérez, M.D., Ph.D.

El Dr. Nicolás Pérez es actualmente el Profesor y Director del Departamento de Otorrinolaringología de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra y la Universidad de Navarra Facultad de Medicina en Pamplona, Navarra (España), donde enseña a los estudiantes de medicina, investigadores postdoctorales y los especialistas ENT. [more details]

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