Click the curriculum title for a quick view of the courses there in.
Aging Studies
- MRG101 Aging and the Reflective Practitioner – Part I $29.00
- MRG102 Aging and the Reflective Practitioner – Part II $29.00
- REG103P Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis (Physician) $29.00
- REG103N Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis (Nurse Practitioners) $29.00
- REG103 Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis (Participation Certificate for PA/General) $29.00
Athletic Training
Audiology/Hearing Science
- DF101 Understanding Hearing Aids: A Physician’s Guide $29.00
- CIB101 The Physiologic Basis of Audiologic Practice $29.00
- JAF101 Electrocochleography I: Introduction $29.00
- JAF201 Electrocochleography II: Recording Approaches $59.00
- JAF301 Electrocochleography III: Clinical Applications $79.00
- JWH113 Modern Audiology for Primary Care Physicians II: Children $29.00
- JWH114 Modern Audiology for Primary Care Physicians. I: Adults $29.00
- JWH202 Diagnosis of Infant Hearing Loss: Practical Overview for the Primary Care Physician $59.00
- JWH203 Principles of Diagnostic Audiometry: An up-to-date review $29.00
- RWS101 Psycho-social Aspects of Hearing Loss and Aural Rehabilitation $29.00
Chiropractic Medicine
Equilibrium - Vestibular
- AXV102S Semiologia del paciente con mareo y vértigo $29.00
- NP201 Videonystagmography Part I: Ocular Motor Testing $59.00
- NP201S Videonystagmography Parte I: Prueba de Motor Ocular $59.00
- NP202 Videonystagmography Part II: Gaze, Headshake and Positional Testing $59.00
- NP202S Videonystagmography Parte II: Mirada, Headshake y pruebas de posición $59.00
- NP203 Videonystagmography Part III: Caloric Testing $59.00
- NP203S Videonystagmography Parte III: Prueba calórica, Protocolo $59.00
- NP302 Rotary Chair Part II: Interpretation $79.00
- NP302S Silla Giratoria Parte II: Interpretación $79.00
- NP204S Silla Giratoria Parte I: Protocolos $59.00
- NP301 Videonystagmography Part IV: Caloric Testing, Interpretation $79.00
- NP301S Videonystagmography Parte IV: Prueba calórica, Interpretación $79.00
- REG101 Introduction to Vestibular Rehabilitation $29.00
Exercise Science/Kinesiology
General Medicine
International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT)
- IHCT101 Auditory Anatomy and Physiology $59.00
- IHCT102 Sound & Acoustics $59.00
- IHCT103 Professional Responsibility $59.00
- IHCT104 History Taking and Record Keeping $59.00
- IHCT105 Patient Contact & Counseling $59.00
- IHCT201 Otoscopic Inspection & Ear Examination $59.00
- IHCT202 Middle Ear Disorders $59.00
- IHCT203 Inner Ear Disorders $59.00
- IHCT204 Retrocochlear (neural) Disorders $59.00
- IHCT106 Medical & Audiological Terminology $59.00
- IHCT301 Introduction to the Audiometer $59.00
- IHCT302 Pure Tone Hearing Test Techniques: Air Conduction $59.00
- IHCT303 Pure Tone Hearing Test Techniques: Bone Conduction $59.00
- IHCT304 Masking Theory & Techniques $59.00
- IHCT305 Audiogram Patterns $59.00
- IHCT306 Simple Speech Audiometry $59.00
- IHCT307 Tympanometry $59.00
- IHCT308 Otoacoustic Emissions $59.00
- IHCT309 Introduction to Diagnostic Audiological Assessment $59.00
- IHCT310 Audiology Applications of Tele-health $59.00
International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- IHCT101s Anatomía y Fisiología Auditiva $59.00
- IHCT102s Sonido y Acústica $59.00
- IHCT103s Responsabilidad Profesional $59.00
- IHCT104s Anamnesis y Archivo $59.00
- IHCT201s Introducción a la Otoscopía $59.00
- IHCT202s Examen del oido $59.00
- IHCT203s Desórdenes del Oído Interno $59.00
- IHCT204s Desórdenes del Sistema Auditivo Central $59.00
- IHCT105s Contacto con el paciente y Consejería $59.00
- IHCT106s Médico y audiológica Terminología $59.00
- IHCT301s Introducción al Audiómetro $59.00
- IHCT302s Evaluación de audición de tonos puros: Conducción aérea $59.00
- IHCT303s Evaluacion de audicion de tonos puros: Conduccion osea $59.00
- IHCT304s Principios y Procedimientos de Enmascaramiento $59.00
- IHCT305s Análisis y Patrones en Audiogramas $59.00
- IHCT306s Audiometría de Habla Simple (Logoaudiometría) $59.00
- IHCT307s Timpanometría $59.00
- IHCT308s Emisiones Otoacústicas(EOAs) $59.00
- IHCT309s Introducción a la evaluación audiológica de diagnóstico $59.00
- IHCT310s Tele-Audiología $59.00
Occupational Therapy
Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Otolaryngology & Otology
Personal Fitness
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Pre-Health Professions
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine
Strength & Conditioning
Tinnitus and Hyperacusis
UNECOM - Mandatory CME Courses for State Licensure
- REG499 VideoNystagmography Part I, II, III & IV $275.00
- REG500 VideoNystagmography Part I, II & III $237.00
- REG511 Part I: VideoNystagmography – Anatomy, Physiology, Disorders & Patient Preparation $79.00
- REG512 Part II: VideoNystagmographgy – Ocular Motor – Headshake – Gaze $79.00
- REG513 Part III: VideoNystagmography – Positioning & Positional Tests $79.00
- REG514 Part IV: VideoNystagmography – Caloric Testing $79.00