$29.00 Add to cart
Part I will illuminate why older age is often associated with disease and decline (Western view) and why our society continues to define it that way! To be progressive in the field of aging, it is important to be knowledgeable of the concepts and theories in aging to understand how and why our society views aging the way it does. This platform will prepare the practitioner to think critically about his/her own views on aging and consider ways in which he/she has either been co-opted by western societal views or has transcended them. There are numerous opportunities and/or challenges in working with older adults, but having a base of understanding is essential. [more details]
- Curriculum Aging Studies
- Course Number MRG101
- Price $29.00
- Level Introductory
- CEUs earned 1
- Language English
$29.00 Add to cart
Part II will provide more depth into the concepts and theories associated with aging to further illuminate how and why our society views aging the way it does AND what practitioners can do about it. Having a core understanding about the field of aging (western view) will provide a new platform from which to effect change in older adult service and care. [more details]
- Curriculum Aging Studies
- Course Number MRG102
- Price $29.00
- Level Introductory
- CEUs earned 1
- Language English
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el James W. Hall III, Ph.D. y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D. [more details]
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT305s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el James W. Hall III, Ph.D. y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D. [more details]
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT104s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el Jackie Clark, Ph.D., F-AAA, CCC-A y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D.
Al finalizar el curso, el alumno tendrá conocimiento de las estructuras básicas y la función del sistema auditivo exterior como a medio y oído interno, y los mecanismos centrales de la audición. Habrá un poco de información sobre el impacto de las condiciones y de la patología en la función del sistema.
Tenga en cuenta: Los Técnico Internacional de La audición (IHCT) cursos se pueden adquirir de forma individual por $ 59 USD o como parte de un plan de estudios completo para $ 795 USD. El programa de estudios completo consta de 20 cursos (planes de estudio 20 horas reloj) e incluye todos los materiales duraderos, así como el examen final del certificado. Para inscribirse en el programa IHCT, descargar el formulario y correo electrónico a info @ .
1. Todos los cursos son asíncronas, disponible 24-7, y no tienen que ser tomadas en un momento específico. No hay problemas de programación de día o la hora.
2. Cada curso es de aproximadamente una hora de duración. No es un examen automático al final de cada curso que inmediatamente partituras, permitiendo al estudiante para revisar su desempeño.
3. Los cursos son en forma de materiales duraderos. Los estudiantes posee y poseen el curso y los materiales.
4. Cursos, materiales, vídeos, folletos y materiales de lectura pueden descargarse en los ordenadores personales o teléfonos inteligentes, iPads y observaron en cualquier momento.
5. Facultad de instrucciones dentro de los cursos ha sido diseñado específicamente para una experiencia de aprendizaje mejorado. No sólo están registrados conferencias, pero se han construido para maximizar la experiencia de aprendizaje a través de las tecnologías basadas en la web.
El técnico de Internacional de La audición (IHCT) cursos pueden ser comprados individualmente por $ 59 USD o como parte de un plan de- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT101s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
In this course you learn what an audiogram is, and how it contributes to the diagnosis of hearing loss. You are introduced to terms used to describe hearing loss, like “type “, “configuration”, and “degree.” You will learn how patterns of results shown in an audiogram can help to determine whether a patient has normal hearing, a conductive hearing loss, a sensorineural hearing loss, or a mixed hearing loss. You’ll also begin to recognize the audiogram shapes that are typically found in patients with hearing loss due to excessive noise exposure and some other causes of hearing loss.
Please note: The International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) courses may be purchased individually for $59 USD or as part of a full curriculum for $795 USD. The full curriculum program consists of 20 courses (20 clock-hour curricula) and includes all enduring materials as well as the final examination for the certificate. To enroll in the IHCT program, download the application form at and email to info @ Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT)
- Course Number IHCT305
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language English
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
In this course you learn what tele-audiology is and the associated definitions and terminology. You are introduced to the various service delivery models of telehealth. You will learn about the various equipment, connectivity, personal and patient requirements for telehealth in audiology. You’ll also be exposed to the various applications of telehealth in the field of audiology and be presented with examples of what such services may look like. Finally you will learn why tele-audiology is becoming an increasingly important field moving into the future. [more details]
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT)
- Course Number IHCT310
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language English
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el James W. Hall III, Ph.D. y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D.
Audiometría vocal es la medida de lo bien que una persona detecta, oye, y reconoce el habla como palabras y oraciones. La audiometría verbal es importante porque la mayoría de los pacientes con pérdida auditiva tienen dificultades para entender lo que otros dicen. Usted aprenderá en este curso sobre las pruebas de audiometría del habla común y la forma en que se administran. También comienza a apreciar por qué es mejor para presentar los materiales del habla como palabras a un paciente a través de una grabación en un CD o algún otro dispositivo en lugar de hablar en un micrófono.
Tenga en cuenta: Los Técnico Internacional de La audición (IHCT) cursos se pueden adquirir de forma individual por $ 59 USD o como parte de un plan de estudios completo para $ 795 USD. El programa de estudios completo consta de 20 cursos (planes de estudio 20 horas reloj) e incluye todos los materiales duraderos, así como el examen final del certificado. Para inscribirse en el programa IHCT, descargar el formulario de solicitud en y enviar por correo electrónico a info @ Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT306s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
After completing this course, the learner will know about the basic structures and function of the auditory system including external, middle, and inner ear, and central auditory mechanisms. There will be some information about the impact of conditions and pathology on the function of the system. [more details]
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT)
- Course Number IHCT101
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language English
- Level Introductory
$29.00 Add to cart
You will learn the common causes of hearing loss and its treatment, and be able to differentiate inner ear, cochlear nerve and conductive deafness. [more details]
- Curriculum Otolaryngology & Otology
- Course Number HS102
- Price $29.00
- CEUs earned 1
- Language English
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el James W. Hall III, Ph.D. y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D. [more details]
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT105s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el Jackie Clark, Ph.D., F-AAA, CCC-A y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D.
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT203s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
$59.00 Add to cart
El contenido del curso ha sido desarrollado por el Jackie Clark, Ph.D., F-AAA, CCC-A y es presentado por la Alexandra Féliz Camilo, M.D.
- Curriculum International Hearing Care Technician (IHCT) - Español
- Course Number IHCT204s
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 0.05
- Language Spanish
- Level Introductory
Diagnosis of Infant Hearing Loss: Practical Overview for the Primary Care Physician
Presenter: James W. Hall, III, Ph.D. [bio]$59.00 Add to cartEarly and effective intervention for infant hearing loss depends on prompt and accurate diagnostic information. Diagnosis of hearing loss includes, for each ear, a description of the degree (severity) of impairment across the frequency region important for speech perception, and information on the site of auditory dysfunction (e.g., middle ear, inner ear, and/or neural pathways). Diagnostic auditory assessment should be completed within the first months following birth, permitting initial medical and non-medical management by 6 months (the definition of early intervention for hearing loss). [more details]
- Curriculum Audiology/Hearing Science
- Course Number JWH202
- Price $59.00
- CEUs earned 1
- Language English
- Level Introductory
Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis (Nurse Practitioners)
Presenter: Richard E. Gans, Ph.D. [bio]$29.00 Add to cartCourse Title: Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis
Release Date: January 2019
Expiration Date: December 2019
Estimated time to complete course: Approximately 60 - 75 minutes
Internet Requirements: Latest version of these popular internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox) [more details]- Curriculum Aging Studies
- Course Number REG103N
- Price $29.00
- Level Introductory
- CEUs earned 1
- Language English
Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis (Participation Certificate for PA/General)
Presenter: Richard E. Gans, Ph.D. [bio]$29.00 Add to cartCourse Title: Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls in the Older Adult: A Healthcare Crisis
Release Date: January 2019
Expiration Date: December 2019
Estimated time to complete course: Approximately 60 - 75 minutes
Internet Requirements: Latest version of these popular internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox) [more details]- Curriculum Aging Studies
- Course Number REG103
- Price $29.00
- Level Introductory
- CEUs earned 1
- Language English